Analysis twitter youtube chinese
Sentiment analysis of YouTube data and Twitter opinion event …
Download scientific diagram | Sentiment analysis of YouTube data and Twitter opinion event … Comparison of Chinese and English word cloud of 2022 Beijing.
CADWorx & Analysis Solutions on Twitter: “CADWorx DraftPro …
Conversation. CADWorx & Analysis Solutions · @CADWorxAnalysis. CADWorx DraftPro YouTube Video in Chinese · 6:37 PM · Feb 8, 2012.
Propaganda beyond the Great Firewall | Merics
kirjoittanut A Shevtsov · 2020 — The results on sentiment analysis on the Twitter corpus and the YouTube metadata gathered, show the positive and negative sentiment for the two entities …
Facebook and Twitter are blocked in China, but party-state media have built active presences on these platforms, feeding their positions into global debates.
How China Spreads Its Propaganda Version of Life for …
How China Spreads Its Propaganda Version of Life for Uyghurs — ProPublica
kirjoittanut TW Whyke · 2022 — These orchestrated vlogs tell stories of rural Chinese life and construct a … portrayals of rural China in her YouTube vlogs (Liang 2022).
Thousands of videos of Uyghurs denying abuses against their community are showing up on Twitter and YouTube. They’re part of an elaborate influence campaign by Chinese officials to counter reports of human rights violations in Xinjiang.
Analysis of Twitter and YouTube during USelections 2020
Public Diplomacy and the Politics of Uncertainty
Public Diplomacy and the Politics of Uncertainty – Google-kirjat
This edited book explores the multi-layered relationships between public diplomacy and intensified uncertainties stemming from transnational political trends. It is the latest wave of political uncertainty that provides the background as well as yields evidence scrutinised by authors contributing to this book. The book argues that due to a state of perpetual crises, the simultaneity of diplomatic tensions and new digital modalities of power, international politics increasingly resembles a networked set of hyper-realities. Embracing multi-polar competition, superpowers such as Russia flex their muscles over their neighbours; celebrated ‘success stories’ of democratisation – Hungary, Poland and Czechia – move towards illiberal governance; old players of international politics such as Britain and America re-claim “greatness”, while other states, like China, adapt expansionist foreign policy goals. The contributors to this book consider the different ways in which transnational political trends and digitalisation breed uncertainty and shape the practice of public diplomacy.
ICCWS 2016 11th International Conference on Cyber Warfare …
ICCWS 2016 11th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security … – Google-kirjat
The 11thInternational Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ICCWS 2016) is being held at Boston University, Boston, USA on the 17-18th March 2016. The Conference Chair is Dr Tanya Zlateva and the Programme Chair is Professor Virginia Greiman, both from Boston University. ICCWS is a recognised Cyber Security event on the International research conferences calendar and provides a valuable platform for individuals to present their research findings, display their work in progress and discuss conceptual and empirical advances in the area of Cyber Warfare and Cyber Security. It provides an important opportunity for researchers and managers to come together with peers to share their experiences of using the varied and expanding range of Cyberwar and Cyber Security research available to them. The keynote speakers for the conference are Daryl Haegley from the Department of Defense (DoD), who will address the topic Control Systems Networks…What's in Your Building? and Neal Ziring from the National Security Agency who will be providing some insight to the issue of Is Security Achievable? A Practical Perspective. ICCWS received 125 abstract submissions this year. After the double blind, peer review process there are 43 Academic Research Papers 8 PhD papers Research papers, 7 Masters and 1 work-in-progress papers published in these Conference Proceedings. These papers represent work from around the world, including: Australia, Canada, China, Czech Republic, District of Columbia, Finland, France, Israel, Japan, Lebanon, Netherlands, Pakistan, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, UK, USA.
An analysis of cultural dissemination and national image …
An analysis of cultural dissemination and national image construction in Chinese influencer Li Ziqi’s vlogs and its impact on international viewer perceptions on YouTube | The Journal of Chinese Sociology | Full Text
International social exchanges have always been important to China’s cultural soft power and image construction overseas. This study focuses on an internationally renowned mega influencer Li Ziqi and her vlogs on YouTube. These orchestrated vlogs tell stories of rural Chinese life and construct a desirable traditional Chinese rural culture for netizens at home and abroad. Informed by framing and cultivation theory, this study examines how user-generated content on national images can affect social media users’ perceptions of reality. Content analysis is used to analyze the visual portrayals of Chinese rural culture, including its customs and values, aesthetics, and cultural and scenic places in Li’s vlogs. Discourse analysis is further used to examine user comments and demonstrate her vlog content’s impact on user perceptions of Chinese rural culture. This study sheds light on how a complex and hybrid national image with ‘Chineseness,’ and a personal image with self-Orientalized and performed ‘soft but independent’ Chinese rural female image, is constructed by a social media influencer Li Ziqi with affective associations. At a conceptual and practical level, the findings of this study contribute to the ongoing scholarly discussions on how China engages with the globalized world through cultural diplomacy from the bottom-up, while existing research primarily takes a top-down approach.
Keywords: analysis twitter youtube chinese